Simplicity, ease, and accuracy made possible by our extensive payroll integration program, PaySnap.
Any well-run retirement plan begins and ends with accurate data. That’s why we go to great lengths to integrate our recordkeeping system with over 44 leading payroll providers, and we're always adding more.
PaySnap integration
Other integrations
- Action Point
- Acutopia
- Advantage Payroll
- Apex
- Compensation Control
- ComputerSearch
- CS Payroll
- Harpers
- Infinet
- Infinisource
- Jet Pay
- OMiga
- Patriot
- Payroll-Network
- Sage
- Servarus
- Viventium
Data transfer integration levels
Fluid integration
The data flows in both directions between the payroll provider and PCS Retirement. All aspects of contribution processing are automated, including account changes participants make through PCS Retirement to adjust their contribution levels.
Directional integration
The payroll provider and PCS Retirement are integrated to share data on participant contributions. Data flows automatically to PCS Retirement, but only in one direction.
Push integration
The payroll provider automatically sends the data each pay period to PCS Retirement, and we produce and automatically transmit an updated file back to the plan sponsor that can be uploaded into the payroll system without any manipulation. Our file doesn’t require anything from the plan sponsor to make it as simple as possible for them.