From our humble beginnings at the turn of the century, to the nation’s leading conflict-free retirement plan recordkeeper today—we never forgot about where we came from and who we’re here to serve.
The concept was simple enough for our founders in 2001: Build a conflict-free, full fee disclosure retirement plan solution with no hidden agenda. In short, a true fiduciary-friendly platform that transparently serves the needs of small business owners and their workers.
Long before complete transparency was mandated or required by law, PCS Retirement had a bold vision of becoming a refreshingly up-front and forward-thinking recordkeeper that financial advisors and plan sponsors could place their trust in.
Today, our novel concept for a next-generation recordkeeper has grown us into the nation’s leading conflict-free retirement plan provider—all with our foundational mission and virtues still intact. That expansion has made us one of the fastest-growing companies in the country and allowed us to make substantial investments in state-of-the-art technology and retirement plan professionals that help us make good on our promise every day. Together, we deliver the highest quality retirement plans available in the market to business owners, school districts, municipalities, not-for-profits, and individuals. That’s something to be proud of.
For us though, it’s about more than just technology and growth. It’s about serving our community of advisors, financial institutions, employers, and individual savers with the utmost respect and commitment. It’s how we continue to get better as an organization, and it’s how we can truly help more American’s retire with confidence.
Join us on this journey. We’re just getting started.
At PCS Retirement, we’ve always led the way with innovations and forward-thinking solutions that have made us one of the fastest growing retirement plan recordkeepers in the nation year after year.
Over the years, we’ve been first to the market with:
- Delivering a robust prospecting engine and benchmarking toolkit to advisors
- Offering globally managed accounts—at no additional cost and available for use as QDIAs
- Offering and trading ETFs like mutual funds
- Creating paperless/evergreen enrollment materials
- Supporting full ERISA 3(38) fiduciary solutions
- Supporting comprehensive retirement solutions across all plan types including health savings accounts
- Operating with all custodians and data integrators
- Charging per-capita pricing and a flat-dollar pricing model—fairer, flatter fees
- Providing a low-cost, open-investment solution to the individual market in the non-ERISA segment, serving K - 16 educators, firefighters, and police officers
- Offering private label branding to advisors, third-party administrators and other key partners
Awards and recognition